Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Alright yesterday I did this:

Sandbag A1 50lbs/5 Sets with 60s rest
  1. Sandbag get ups x 4
  2. Jerk and Clean x 6
  3. Shoulder Press x 8
  4. Bear Hug Squats x 10
Sandbag H1 100lbs/2 Sets with 120s rest
  1. 50ft carries x 4
  2. jerk clean press x 6
  3. Zercher/Good Mornings x 8
  4. Rotations x 10
Today I got this to do:

Stationary Bike - 10min
Rower - 10 min

Bench Press
60% - 2x5
75% - 2x3
90% - 3x1

Dips - 75-100

Tri-Press down - 3x15
Skull Crusher 3 x 10

Pull Downs - 3 x 10
Bent DB Rows - 3 x 10

3.5 mph at 3 incline for 30 min or whatever I need to finish out 2 hrs

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