Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yesterdays Double Header

I had to do two workouts yesterday. I'm not one to shy away from hard training. In fact Id prefer to be unable to stand after a session. The first one completed the task. The second one made me hunger.

First: (sorry no details as I'm posting this from my phone)
Bike: 10 min
Shoulder prehab work/core (bicycles x 100, fire hydrant x 20e, donkey kicks x 20e)
ME Deadlift, glute/ham raises 4x10, TRX push ups 3xMAX (shoot for 100 total), bent rows, pull ups 4x10, DB military press 4x8, EZ Bar curl 3x20
Core: one more set from above

Second: (PT session 4 hours later)
5 min jog for warm up
100 pushups/100 crunches
3 mile run.

Became horribly hungry after the second session. And im on the low cal/carb day (1550cal). I feel fine though. Hopefully I'll drop a couple more. Meh... As long as I don't fail my training.

Posted with LifeCast

Monday, April 27, 2009

My (Now) Typical Monday Workout

Finally, my work (and $$) with a strength coach gives me something tangible to use. He was a great lifter, new a lot about the muscle types and how they are used per lift. I need to gain some strength in my lower back and lats. I suppose this is sorta typical. But just killed myself today at the gym. My weight ranges will very for the first week or so, until a more firm foundation can be found.

Warm up - 10 min on Bike

Shoulder Prehab 2 sets
  • Pro/Retract Series x 12
  • Standing Cuban Press x 12
  • Standing Full Cans x 12
Core 2 Sets (one before and one after weights)
  • Triple Play x 24
  • MB Rotation Throws x 40 each side
  • Bird Dog x 20
Speed Squat
  • 50% x 3
  • 55% x 2 x 3
  • 60% x 2 x 3
Leg Curl (Swiss Ball)
  • 15, 15, 12, 10
Romanian Dead Lift
  • 55% x 8
  • 55% x 6
  • 60% x 5
  • 65% x 5
Bench Press
  • 65% x 10
  • 70% x 6
  • 80% x 4
  • 85% x 2x3
  • 90% x 1x3
Inverted Row (until my Blast Straps Show Up)
  • try to get 100 total in 3 sets
SS: Tri Pressdown
  • 90lbs x 3x20
Dumbbell Alternating Curls
  • 30 lbs x 10

It was good times. Plus today is my high carb day, so I'm happy eating some good stuff today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Diet/Workout for Today

Mandatroy PT session for tonight was 101 push ups and a 5 mile run. In which we did one set of 100/200/400 meter sprints. I don't really care for the typical PT, but don't have a choise. I count it as my cardio. We have 2-3 sessions a week.

Pro = 238.6

Carbs = 46.3

Fat = 46.4

Cal = 1556.6

Weighing My Food

I weigh EVERYTHING. After the food scale video, courtesy of Leigh Peele, I've decided that I CANNOT consume food if I can't weigh it. That's now become apart of by diet. I've found a lot of benefits to this way of thinking.

1. The accountable party is yourself.
Don't rely on the label, USE the lable to make yourself and your diet a reliable one. If there is one thing that you should know before you even go to bed, it's hat you are going to eat the next day. Which leads to my next point.,.

2. Planning ahead becomes precise.
Last night I planned out my meals before I went to bed. Not just breakfast but everything. Inputted it into and then separately calculated the grams of fat/carbs/pro. I can now accurately measure 15 oz chicken, 3 oz broccoli, 3 oz spinach, and 4.7 oz of tomatoes. Sounds wierd but being accurate ensure that you are eating enough. I was missing out on 300-400 cal of food just by "eyeballing" it. Which could lead to a starving instant refeed if kept up.

3. Added knowledge.
My mom used to say that you learn something new every day. I now know that's not true. While a child, you do learn something new everyday but as you get older you have to seek out those learning experiences be it from a book or hands on. In this case I'm learning more and more how to estimate my food proportions by looking at them. I still measure and plan on doing so until I get to that lean state, but now I know what 8 oz of chicken looks like or how many almonds are roughly on an ounce. And all this can be applied to your diet.

4. The Leigh approach
Yea I know it's been "coined" by many types of pros and trainers, the "No Bullshit" approach is worth it. I havent been dropping weight because I ate too much food. And let me tell you, I eat clean. I don't like to eat food that is processed (not counting protein shakes) and if I'm gonna eat a cookie or something I make it myself and as healthy as possible. So now that I'm not eating too much I should drop at a steady even pace whole understanding what it takes to get what I want.

5. It's not fun, fast, or easy, but it becomes second nature.
I came home last night and was starving for my last meal. One scoop of protein and one serving of a greens product. I like this before bed. I grabbed my protein and then my food scale. This is what it takes. If you use a scoop without measuring, you run the risk of rating more than you should. For example, I was having an extra 80ish calories with my protein. Every time I drank one that's 80 cal gone.

Posted with LifeCast

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Diet for Today

Protein = 240.7

Carbs = 39.4

Fat = 33.4

Cal = 1418.2

I usually try to get in 1550 calories on these of days, but I guess I wasn't paying attention. Oh well, I'll be on point tomorrow. Better to be under than over I guess. There is my accountability for today.

Last NIght's Work

Warm up - Spinner Bike 10 mins
Bridge Circuit (elbow) x 3m
Bridge Circuit (straight Arm) x 3m
Wood choppers 2 x 50
High Row 2 x 20
Back Squat - Bar x 10
135 x 8
160 x 10
175 x 8
200 x 6
215 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1

Front Squat - Bar x 10
90 x 5
90 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 5

Speed Bench - 110 x 3
110 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3
130 x 3

SS: DB Skull Crush/ DB Hammer Curls 3 x 15/20

There we go. Going to add more next week, but this is my basic Squat Day. Normally going to be on Friday. Working with a strength coach right now so workouts kinda garbled. Will be on a set track next week.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My First Post...

Can't really think of anything else to call this thing. But that's what it is. My body is like a house, in fact its much more important. It's where I'm gonna be all my life. It holds who I am, it allows me to help others, and I need a better house. Why? You ask. I'm gonna live long, and be as healthy as I can be for the rest of my life. And I'm gonna be as strong as I can be while I do all that too.

This blog is ACCOUNTABILITY for what I will be doing in the gym and what I will be eating. My accountability is key to building a better house. To living longer.